BAXI Manresa travels to Riga to win and hope to end up as the leader
VEF Riga no longer has qualification options but wants to give joy to the fans. Being able to qualify for the first position will depend on the match between Benfica and Limoges.
This Monday morning the BAXI Manresa expedition set off for Latvia with the desire to win their match. It will not be easy, and we will also have to wait for the other group match between Benfica and Limoges to find out in which position the team is classified and if it will be necessary to play play-in.
BAXI Manresa's squad in the Basketball Champions League is conditioned by injuries and registrations: Ferrari, already registered, and junior Ladji Coulibaly are traveling to strengthen interior positions. Jordan Caroline misses the game through injury, and signings Tass, Robinson and Geben could not be entered. It will be necessary to be strong with few cash.
The rival is VEF Riga, whom BAXI Manresa managed to defeat at Nou Congost in the second day by 88 to 59. The Latvians want to win to give their home team one last European joy, although they have no options to pass the stage . The local Zoriks is the big offensive bulwark along with the American center Nysier Brooks.
Adam Waczynski and Tyson Pérez spoke before traveling. The Polish player emphasized that "the team is fine, we know the importance of the game and that not everything depends on us; we have to play our game, which is improving lately; they have no options for anything and this is dangerous, we will have to be attentive and concentrate on ourselves». For his part, the Dominican explained that "we have to go for all the matches to regain confidence; they play the last game at home and even if they don't play anything they will give everything».