NewsTeamBAXI Manresa All teams CategoryGame report All categories Year2019 Every year The epic doesn't stop: the victory at the Betis court for 88 to 89BAXI Manresa wins the big prize against ValenciaDefeat on the Lietkabelis court (77 to 61) in a tough matchBAXI Manresa takes the derby of the century from BadalonaBAXI Manresa wins 102-121 in 'the record game' and remains leaderA BAXI Manresa fighter gives Barça a scareThe good work of BAXI Manresa leads him to win a game against Dinamo SassariComeback 'Made In Manresa' to defeat UCAM MurciaUnfair and cruel defeat of a BAXI Manresa who dominates the game in ZaragozaA BAXI Manresa coral clearly surpasses Filou OostendeBAXI Manresa fights but ends up falling against ObradoiroA competitive BAXI Manresa is one step away from the victory against UNET Holon (90-88)BAXI Manresa sees how the victory in the last leg of Fuenlabrada escapesBAXI Manresa roars in Europe and wins Turk Telekom 1 2 3 4