BAXI Manresa fights until the end against a solid Gran Canaria
The Bages team dominated in the first quarter, they competed until the last period, but the islanders knew how to control the moves of a fighting rival.
99 Gran Canaria I Albicy 4, Slaughter 11, Brussino 21, Shurna 5 and Diop 7; Inglis 7, Balcerowski 12, Bassas 10, Benite 8 and Salvó 14
88 BAXI Manresa I Ferrari 9, Harding 23, Waczynski 19, Vaulet 6 and Steinbergs 4; Badio 5, Jou, Tass 7, Sagnia, Caroline 6 and Dani Pérez 9
Partials: 20-25, 29-18, 31-24, 19-21
BAXI Manresa was unable to add another victory in the Endesa League, after falling on the difficult court of Gran Canaria (99-88). The players led by Pedro Martínez, who was honored before the match, had a good first quarter but then found themselves outclassed by a solid rival who knew how to control them in the last minutes.
After a start with alternatives on the scoreboard, some very successful three-pointers from Manresa (they scored 4 of the 6 they tried in the first quarter) took the lead on the scoreboard to close the initial period with five points of rent (20-25).
In the second, the canaries were much superior. They didn't take long to turn the score around and took a maximum difference of twelve points with 30 seconds left for the break (49-37). In these, the reds closed the gap thanks to two free throws scored by Waczynski, another two by Steinbergs and a steal with a dunk by Badio on the buzzer (49-43).
Returning from the locker room, the game was very offensive, with the attacks clearly prevailing over the defenses and with both teams scoring six three-pointers in the third quarter. This situation favored some locals led mainly by Brussino, who left the game well faced (80-67).
In the last ten minutes, a fighting BAXI Manresa tried to come back until the end and came to only six points in the last minute (94-88), but it was too late and the victory stayed at Gran Canaria Arena.
Next Saturday, starting at 6:00 p.m., the Nou Congost will be the scene of a new Catalan derby, this time with Joventut de Badalona as a rival.