BAXI Manresa stay strong in Nou Congost (90-84)
The Bages team defeat a Coviran Granada that tried to get close at the end and add their fourth victory in the Endesa League. Taylor (22p), Badio (19p and 4ass) and Robinson (16p and 8r), the most prominent of the Manresa team.
90 BAXI Manresa I Dani Pérez 9, Badio 19, Sagnia 2, Robinson 16 and Geben 2; Travanté 6, Dani García 3, Taylor 22, Steinbergs 4, Valtonen 7 and Oriola
84 Covirán Granada I Costa 20, Thomasson 19, Tomàs, Cheatham 7 and Felicio 20; Konontsuk, Martínez 2, Kairys 5, Díaz, Iriarte 6, Kramer 3 and Ziv 2
Partials: 24-14, 21-18, 24-22, 21-30
BAXI Manresa obtained the third consecutive victory at the Nou Congost, the fourth of the season, after beating Coviran Granada (90-84), in a match that they dominated throughout but that got a little complicated at the end.
The players led by Pedro Martínez started the duel strongly, and quickly took control of the scoreboard. However, the Andalusians scored seven consecutive points and tied at 14. It didn't take long for the Reds to react, going on a 10-0 run to close the first quarter (24-14).
In the second the home team continued to dominate the game, with some great plays that made the Nou Congost fans enjoy, and reached a maximum difference of 14 points against a rival led by former Manresan Thomasson and Felicio. At half-time, the team from Manresa had the game well underway (45-32).
Coming back from the locker room, the game was very level, which favored the interests of the Bages team, who found a response to the visitors' actions and did not let them enter the game. A three-pointer by Valtonen in the last second placed a fifteen-point margin at the end of the third quarter (69-54).
In the last ten minutes it seemed that the reds had the game under control, as they led by 19 points, but the Andalusians did not give up and nailed a run of 0-11 that put fear in the bodies of the home team, who were solid and finished off their fourth win of the season.
Next Sunday starting at 12:30 BAXI Manresa will play away from home again, this time on the complicated UCAM Murcia court.