With the Congost like this, this could not be missed!
BAXI Manresa overcomes Valencia Basket, with Robinson and Harding as highlights, in a spectacular atmosphere that was key to taking an important step towards salvation and closing the celebrations of 25 years of the TDK League in the best way.
87 BAXI Manresa I Dani Pérez 6, Harding 18, Jou 13, Robinson 22 and Geben 7; Badio 19, Waczynski, Dani Garcia, Steinbergs, Olumuyiwa and Vaulet 2
82 Valencia Basket I Jones 16, Radebaugh 10, Claver, Webb 23 and Dubljevic 6; Puerto 3, Pradilla 4, Evans 13, Alexander 4, Hermannsson 3 and Rivero
Partials: 22-23, 22-13, 23-21, 20-25
BAXI Manresa maintained its strength in the Nou Congost and achieved a new victory, the tenth of the season, this time against Valencia Basket, in a match that dominated from the beginning and that was able to close in the final moments in which the opponent came dangerously close to scoring (87-82). With this victory, the Bages team take a very important step towards permanence and close the celebrations of the 25 years of then TDK League in the best possible way.
The players led by Pedro Martínez started the match better, dominated their powerful opponent and obtained a maximum difference of nine points (22-13). However, the Valencia team reacted by scoring ten consecutive points to close the first quarter ahead on the scoreboard (22-23).
The second started with bad news for the red team: the injury of a Waczynski who hurt his knee and had to be helped off the court. This fact didn’t affect the home team too much, who once again opened a hole in the electronic and reached the break with eight points (44-36).
In the second half the game was very even, and this clearly favored the ones who maintained a significant margin without too many problems. At the end of the third quarter, the Bages team had the match very well faced (67-57).
In the last ten minutes, the visiting team didn’t give the match up at any time and bravely pressed the red team until the last moments. This came to no effect as the home team weren’t nervous and closed out a day of celebrations with their tenth win of the season and their closest save.