BAXI Manresa continues to grow ahead of the Catalan League
The Manresans defeat Tenerife by 98 to 72 in a game held at the CB Navàs pavilion, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary.
98 BAXI Manresa I Saint-Supéry 10, Hunt 16, Reyes 11, Alston Jr. 18 and Cate 12; Ohams 9, Vescovi 5, Sagnia 10, Steinbergs, Hustak 2, Sánchez and Dani Pérez 5
72 La Laguna Tenerife I Fitipaldo 6, Scrubb 6, Kramer 12, Abromaitis 5 and Shermadini 3; Sastre, Kostadinov 2, Costa 10, Diop 11, Doornekamp 9, Guerra 2, Willis 4 and Rodriguez
Partials: 24-26, 16-21, 31-8, 27-17
BAXI Manresa added the second victory of preseason after defeating La Laguna Tenerife (98-72) thanks to a resounding 58-25 partial in the second half. The match was played in the CB Navàs pavilion, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year.
The match started with a few minutes delay due to an incident at the scorer's table. The first quarter started with great success and equality between the two teams, who were exchanging a minimal dominance on the scoreboard. The end was reached with two points of margin for the islanders (24-26).
In the second period the Canaries showed a slight advantage and took a ten-point lead (32-42). However, the Reds did not get nervous or lower their intensity, and thanks to this they were able to reach the break with only seven points of disadvantage (40-47).
Coming back from the locker room, Diego Ocampo's men made a great start and it only took them three minutes to turn the scoreboard around (50-49). The team from Manresa were at a great defensive level and did not let up at any point. moment, which allowed them to nail a partial of 31-8 to close the third quarter (71-55).
In the last ten minutes, the Bages team did not allow the rival to get dangerously close on the scoreboard, and they were also able to extend the lead income to reach the final moments in which the public present in the Navàs pavilion was able to enjoy the team's game.
On Wednesday at 20:30 BAXI Manresa will start the Catalan League against Joventut, in a match that will be played in Tarragona.