BAXI Manresa continues to roll against Valencia Basket
BAXI Manresa continues to roll against Valencia Basket
BAXI Manresa continues to roll against Valencia Basket

BAXI Manresa continues to roll against Valencia Basket

Defeat by 93-105 against the Valencians in a competitive game in Sant Julià de Vilatorta.

Saturday 31 of August of 2024 at 22:36

93 BAXI Manresa I Dani Pérez 9, Vescovi, Reyes 16, Alston Jr. 12 and Cate 2; Ohams 8, Steinbergs 7, Sagnia 9, Hustak, Saint-Supery 11, Hunt 19, Gaspà and Sánchez

105 Valencia Basket I De Larrea 7, Badio 5, Ojeleye 22, Pradilla 10 and Costello 14; Montero 3, Puerto 8, Reuvers 6, López-Arostegui 7, Happ 8 and Sestina 12

Partials: 27-26, 22-21, 25-30, 19-28

BAXI Manresa was defeated by Valencia Basket in its second preseason game in Sant Julià de Vilatorta (93-105). The Bages team showed good feelings and dominated their rival for many minutes in the first half, but in the second, Pedro Martínez's men were superior.

In the first quarter there were many changes in the scoreboard. After the four initial points from Valencia, the reds dominated and nailed a partial of 11-0 to place themselves ten points ahead (18-8). Then, Pedro Martínez's men counterattacked and came back (20-22). From then on, it was equal and a minimal advantage for the Manresans (27-26).

In the second period the game was very even, and neither of the two teams managed to open a gap on the scoreboard. The Bages team continued to show good feelings against a great rival and were able to reach the half of the match ahead on the scoreboard (49-47).

In the second half, Pedro Martínez's men came out more plugged in and took the lead and a maximum difference of eight points (58-66) achieved just after a lights out in the Sant Julià pavilion. Two free throws scored by Steinbergs closed the third quarter with a three-point lead for Valencia (74-77).

In the last period, the players led by Diego Ocampo took the lead for just over a minute and went into the final minutes with a chance of victory. Then the Valencians showed greater effectiveness and sealed a very competitive match.