The BAXI Manresa continues to roll with more players
The BAXI Manresa continues to roll with more players
The BAXI Manresa continues to roll with more players

The BAXI Manresa continues to roll with more players

Defeat by 76-81 in Torrefarrera against Hiopos Lleida in a match in which Guillem Jou and Retin Obasohan already played.

Thursday 19 of September of 2024 at 22:48

76 BAXI Manresa I Dani Pérez 2, Hunt 6, Jou 8, Alston Jr. 15 and Cate; Ohams 6, Vescovi 7, Reyes 5, Steinbergs 7, Sagnia 2, Hustak 1, Saint-Supéry 17 and Obasohan

81 Hiopos Lleida I Bost 14, Walden 5, Paulí 8, Bozic 9 and Madsen 8; Bropleh 15, Villar 6, Caicedo 5, Oriola 7, Cooke 4 and Llorente

Partials: 22-17, 12-23, 20-24, 22-17

BAXI Manresa was unable to close the preseason with a victory, as fell to Hiopos Lleida in a match that was played in Torrefarrera and that was decided in a close final in which the team from Lleida knew how to play their cards better (76-81).

The players directed by Diego Ocampo, with Jou at the starting five, made a good start with a lot of success from outside: they scored up to five three-pointers, which allowed them to take an eight-point lead (19-11), which will force the rival coach to call a minute. Later, Obasohan made his debut, and the Reds closed the first quarter with a five-point lead (22-17).

In the second, the team from Lleida scored an initial 0-7 run to turn the score around and Ocampo had to call a time-out. Gerard Encuentra's men were more in tune, and reached the half of the match with a six-point lead (34-40).

Coming back from the locker room, Hiopos Lleida continued to lead the scoreboard and took advantage of the turnovers of the Manresa team to obtain a maximum difference of fifteen points (45-60). At the end of the third quarter, the team from Bages were ten points behind (54-64).

In the last ten minutes the reds scored eleven consecutive points and turned the score around (65-64). From then on, there was a lot of equality, and in a close final the Lleida team was more effective and took the win.

BAXI Manresa's next match will be matchday 1 of the Endesa League, in which they will host Valencia Basket at the Nou Congost. The match will kick off on Saturday, September 28th at 8:45 p.m.