BAXI Manresa falls on the court of a more successful Zaragoza
The Bages team recover from a bad start and are only two points behind in the last quarter, but they cannot complete the comeback. Dani García, the most outstanding.
90 Casademont Zaragoza I Bell-Haynes 15, Yusta 18, González 6, Sulejmanovic 11 and Watt 16; Kravic 3, Smith 9, McFadden 6, Delany 3 and Cuevas 3
80 BAXI Manresa I Dani García 14, Badio 14, Vaulet 6, Robinson 7 and Geben 9; Travanté 4, Taylor 9, Steinbergs 11, Sagnia 1, Mawugbe 2, Oriola and Dani Pérez 3
Partials: 28-13, 14-17, 16-23, 32-27
BAXI Manresa could not maintain the good line of the last away games and fell on one of its most complicated courts, that of Casademont Zaragoza (90-80). Those from Bages were able to overcome a bad start and got within two points in the last period, but they were unable to complete the comeback.
After a few first moments with equality and exchange of baskets, the visitors found it difficult to find a basket, which the Aragonese team took advantage of to open a gap in the electronics and take a significant difference at the end of the first quarter (28-13).
In the second, Pedro Martínez's men were still unsuccessful, but nevertheless the locals could not widen the difference. With this panorama, the team from Manresa arrived alive at halftime of the match, with only twelve points behind (42-30).
Coming back from the locker room it seemed that the tone was the same, with Zaragoza maintaining a significant distance on the scoreboard, but then the Bages team increased their defensive intensity and that allowed them to nail a partial 2-12 and close the third quarter five points below (58-53).
In the last ten minutes the visitors continued to cut back and were only two points away (63-61). However, they were unable to complete the comeback, and a new escape by the Aragonese left them with no chance of fighting for victory in the final moments.
On Thursday starting at 8:00 p.m., BAXI Manresa will play the last regular league match at the Nou Congost against Surne Bilbao Basket of Jaume Ponsarnau, Alex Renfroe and Melwin Pantzar.