BAXI Manresa falls to Unicaja and ends a brilliant season
Those from Bages dominated slightly in the first quarter, but from the second onwards the Malaga team showed themselves superior. Travanté and Vaulet, the most notable.
63 BAXI Manresa I Dani García 8, Badio 10, Sagnia 2, Robinson 7 and Geben 5; Travanté 12, Taylor 2, Steinbergs, Mawugbe, Vaulet 6, Oriola 8 and Dani Pérez 3
86 Unicaja I Díaz 6, Kalinoski 10, Barreiro 5, Ejim 10 and Kravish 12; Osetkowski 2, Taylor 9, Carter 9, Djedovic 9, Lima 4, Thomas 6 and Sima 4
Partials: 28-20, 8-20, 11-25, 16-21
BAXI Manresa could not surprise Unicaja at the Nou Congost and was eliminated in the second game of the quarterfinals of the Endesa League playoff (63-86). Those from Bages dominated slightly in the first quarter, but from the second onwards the Ibon Navarro players showed why they have finished leaders of the regular league and showed themselves to be much superior to obtain a clear victory that gives them the ticket to the semi-finals for the fast track.
After a few first moments with an exchange of baskets, the players led by Pedro Martínez took control of the scoreboard, but always with short leads. At the end of the first quarter, the locals led by eight points thanks to a three-pointer by Travanté from his own free throw (28-20).
In the second, the Malaga team showed a great defensive level and managed to collapse the Reds' attack, which however remained ahead on the scoreboard for much of the period. They did it until the Andalusians found a success in the triple that allowed them to come back and reach the break with a four-point margin (36-40).
Returning from the locker room, the visitors came out strong and scored 0-9 in just over a minute and a half, which forced Pedro Martínez to stop the game (38-49). However, the tone did not change much, and Unicaja continued to dominate to close the third quarter with the game well on track (47-65).
In the last ten minutes, BAXI Manresa continued to be unsuccessful in shooting, while the Malaga team did not let up and increased the difference to 23 points with which the match ended.