An epic match in Zaragoza leaves BAXI Manresa with a chance of going to the Copa del Rey
A duel not suitable for the faint of heart ends with a victory for the Bages team in a packed Príncipe Felipe stadium with a noisy Manresa crowd. Alston Jr., Hunt and Obasohan were the visitors' standout players.
92 Casademont Zaragoza I Bell-Haynes 14, Rodriguez 10, Yusta 12, Mencía 8 and Bango 17; Spissu 14, Slaughter 11, González 2, Fernández and Sulejmanovic 4
93 BAXI Manresa I Dani Pérez 2, Obasohan 16, Sagnia 11, Alston Jr. 22 and Cate 6; Vescovi, Reyes 4, Massa 4, Steinbergs 3, Saint-Supéry 3 and Hunt 22
Partials: 14-24, 25-21, 26-23, 27-25
BAXI Manresa chained its third consecutive victory after beating a Casademont Zaragoza that had not yet lost at home in the Endesa League (92-93). The match was very exciting and was decided in the last second with two free throws scored by Obasohan.
After a few moments of exchanging baskets, the players led by Diego Ocampo took control of the scoreboard and opened a ten-point lead at the end of the first quarter (14-24).
In the second period, the Aragonese reacted and reduced the gap until they took the lead with just under three minutes to go before the break (39-38). However, the visitors closed the first half with seven consecutive points (39-45).
Coming back from the locker room, two three-pointers scored by Alston Jr. and Sagnia extended the quarter to 0-13 (39-51). The locals came back into the game and turned the score around again before Obasohan scored four points in a row at the end of the third quarter (65-68).
In the last ten minutes, neither team opened up a gap and, therefore, everything had to be decided in an exciting final game. With 89-88, Hunt scored one more two, but then Slaughter sank a three-pointer. In the last second, Obasohan was fouled and scored two of the three free throws to excite the Bages fans present at the Príncipe Felipe.
On Saturday, from 18:00, BAXI Manresa will close the first round at the Nou Congost in a Catalan derby against Joventut Badalona, led by Adam Hanga and Aleix Duran.