
- Height
- 1.95m
- Weight
- 80kg
- Position
- Forward
- Date of birth
- 15/07/1997 (27 years)
- Place of birth
Llagostera, Catalunya
- In Basquet Manresa
- 8 years, 11 months
- Rank
- 0.1
- Points
- 0.1
- Assists
- 0.0
- Rebounds
- 0.0
The Llagostera player arrived in 2013 at the club's lower teams from Sant Josep de Girona, in the junior stage. Since then he has been working tirelessly to earn a place in the first team, and every year that passes, with more prominence. He is currently the captain of the team and is part of the team's hard core. Jou is a versatile player, with the ability to contribute in many different aspects of the game.
- 2010-13 Infantil i Cadet
- 2013-15 Júnior
- 2015-17 EBA
- 2017-18 LEB Or
- 2018-22 Lliga Endesa
- Sant Josep Girona
- Catalana Occident Manresa
- BC Martorell
- ICL Manresa
- BAXI Manresa
- 2015 Mundial 3x3 sub-18, a Debrecen (Hongria)
- 2015 Europeu 3x3 sub-18, a Bielorússia. Bronze
- 2017 Europeu sub-20, a Creta (Grècia)
- Espanya
- Espanya
- Espanya
- 2015 Europeu 3x3 sub-18. Bronze
- 2017-18 Copa Princesa. Subcampió
- 2017-18 LEB Or. Campió del play-off
- 2021-22 Lliga Catalana. Campió
- 2021-22 Basketball Champions League. Subcampió
- Espanya
- ICL Manresa
- ICL Manresa
- BAXI Manresa
- BAXI Manresa