NewsTeamAll teams BAXI ManresaPre-mini BlancPre-mini VermellMini BlancMini VermellMini BlauInfantil AInfantil BInfantil VermellCadet BCadet AJunior BJunior AIniciació BlancCadet BlancCadet VermellYouth CategoryAll categories Game reportNewsGame previewPress room YearEvery year 202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 Waczynski has a torn anterior cruciate ligament and damaged external meniscus and internal collateral ligamentBAXI Manresa and Frankie Ferrari end their associationWith the Congost like this, this could not be missed!Sagalés and BAXI Manresa launch a new bus for the teamBAXI Manresa receives Valencia Basket and wants to be strong in the Nou CongostThe round table "Una gesta per recordar" started the events of the 25 years of the TDK leagueValencia: the Orange have been resisting since December 2019A good BAXI Manresa is overcome by Unicaja's final streakBAXI Manresa is looking to surprise Málaga and continue chasing salvationUnicaja: Ibon Navarro enhances the power of the collectiveBAXI Manresa pays for the mistake but competes until the end on the Bilbao courtMatthias Tass definitively parts ways with BAXI ManresaBAXI Manresa wants to make the most of its visit to BilbaoBilbao: Ponsarnau's team is strong in Miribilla 1 19 20 21 22 23 186