NewsTeamAll teams BAXI ManresaPre-mini BlancPre-mini VermellMini BlancMini VermellMini BlauInfantil AInfantil BInfantil VermellCadet BCadet AJunior BJunior AIniciació BlancCadet BlancCadet VermellYouth CategoryAll categories Game reportNewsGame previewPress room YearEvery year 202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013 A Steinbergs three-pointer gives BAXI Manresa their thirteenth victoryBAXI Manresa wants to vindicate itself in the derby on the Joventut courtGameLab G24: Joventut Badalona - BAXI ManresaGreat performances by Naspler and Hustak in the victory of Zamora EnamoraAn erratic BAXI Manresa loses in a tight final against UCAM MurciaBAXI Manresa returns to the competition with a very tough rival in CongostElias Valtonen ends his association with BAXI ManresaGameLab G23: BAXI Manresa - UCAM MurciaBAXI Manresa B adds another victory in the Nou CongostFour players from BAXI Manresa are competing for the qualifiers for Eurobasket 2025The infantil A of BAXI Manresa finished in seventh place in the Minicopa Endesa de MálagaBAXI Manresa B prevails on the El Círcol Cotonifici Badalona courtBAXI Manresa fight until the last second and make Barça sweat bravelyBAXI will continue to be the main sponsor of Bàsquet Manresa for the next 3 years 1 7 8 9 10 11 186