NewsTeamBAXI Manresa All teams CategoryGame preview All categories YearEvery year 2024202320222021202020192018 BAXI Manresa welcomes a newcomer eager to make its debutBAXI Manresa, looking to improve and get a new victoryBAXI Manresa begins its 50th season in the elite by hosting Real Madrid in CongostBAXI Manresa starts the Endesa League on the track of Gran CanariaBAXI Manresa presents itself to its people against Paris BasketballBAXI Manresa closes the season by hosting Gran CanariaBAXI Manresa travels to Lugo pending salvationBAXI Manresa receives Valencia Basket and wants to be strong in the Nou CongostBAXI Manresa is looking to surprise Málaga and continue chasing salvationBAXI Manresa wants to make the most of its visit to BilbaoBAXI Manresa recovers the scheduled day in ZaragozaBAXI Manresa wants to continue to escape from the dangerous area against MurciaBAXI Manresa has earned itself to be at the gates of another historical momentBAXI Manresa receives a visit from Granada who can catch in the classification 1 2 3 4 5 6 19