NewsTeamAll teams BAXI Manresa CategoryAll categories Game reportNewsGame previewPress room Year2018 Every year So are the play-offs for promotion to the ACB📺 LIVE (Wednesday 23/5 at 17:30): Cadet A – Tui MascatoComeback and victory by 82 to 80 of ICL Manresa to put the 2-0📺 LIVE (Sunday 20/5 at 19:00): ICL Manresa – Chocolates Trapa PalenciaAnother heart attack end gives ICL Manresa the first victory (86-85)📺 LIVE (Friday 18/5 at 21:00): ICL Manresa – Chocolates Trapa PalenciaICL Manresa begins a new round of play-off with Palencia (Match 1, Fri at 21:00)ICL Manresa goes to semifinals with suffering and an unstoppable CongostL’ICL Manresa es prepara per un apassionant cinquè partit, (dimarts, 20:30)L’ICL Manresa força el cinquè en un partit èpic a La Corunya📺 EN DIRECTE (diumenge 13/5 a les 19:00): Leyma Coruña – ICL ManresaL’ICL Manresa cau a la pròrroga a La Corunya📺 EN DIRECTE (divendres 11/5 a les 21:00): Leyma Coruña – ICL ManresaL’ICL Manresa viatja a la Coruña mentalitzat per guanyar 1 9 10 11 12 13 18