NewsTeamAll teams BAXI Manresa CategoryAll categories Game reportNewsGame preview Year2023 Every year Nou Congost wants to extend the play-off at BAXI ManresaTenerife: break the streak against the BCL specialistBAXI Manresa shows competitiveness on the court of an enraged leaderJoan Peñarroya and Pedro Martínez in front of a well-known benchBàsquet Manresa is looking for host families for young playersA proud BAXI Manresa loses a tight first game in Tenerife25% discount exclusive for subscribersBAXI Manresa returns to the fight to be in the Final Four of the BCLThe City Council renews the agreement with Básquet Manresa for the promotion of the image of the city and for the promotion of grassroots sportsLenovo Tenerife: battle of rhythms in the Canary fortBAXI Manresa is strong in the Nou Congost and dominates ObradoiroBAXI Manresa returns to home to reunite with its fans and continue with a high level of competitionMafrica - Porc de Palou, new sponsor of BAXI ManresaObradoiro: the return of Captain "Alvarito" in a team commanded by the Scrubbs 1 10 11 12 13 14 18