NewsTeamAll teams BAXI Manresa CategoryGame preview All categories YearEvery year 2024202320222021202020192018 BAXI Manresa receives an uncomfortable opponent in CongostBAXI Manresa wants to keep the good moment against Gran CanariaBAXI Manresa's difficult visit to the Palau BlaugranaBAXI Manresa wants to remain undefeated against Hapoel in JerusalemBAXI Manresa faces Real Madrid the leaderBAXI Manresa visit Gran Canaria tied with the opponentBAXI Manresa reactivates receiving the third classified: TenerifeComplicated exit in front of a fit opponentThe revelation of the season visits the Nou CongostUnbeaten BAXI Manresa wants to keep winning at homeBAXI Manresa seeks to reconquer Burgos with its fifth victoryThe Surne Bilbao Basket poses to prova the solidesa of BAXI ManresaThe unbeaten passes through the court of an all-powerfulBAXI Manresa begins a 2-game trip at Fuenlabrada 1 8 9 10 11 12 19