NewsTeamAll teams BAXI Manresa CategoryGame report All categories YearEvery year 2024202320222021202020192018 Heroicity of the BAXI Manresa: 2 points from the Average with 7 playersBAXI Manresa choral is aiming for the fifth in a rowBAXI Manresa streak continues in Europe to win StrasbourgPrestigious victory in Vitoria of a BAXI Manresa that can fight against everythingThe epic doesn't stop: the victory at the Betis court for 88 to 89BAXI Manresa wins the big prize against ValenciaDefeat on the Lietkabelis court (77 to 61) in a tough matchBAXI Manresa takes the derby of the century from BadalonaBAXI Manresa wins 102-121 in 'the record game' and remains leaderA BAXI Manresa fighter gives Barça a scareThe good work of BAXI Manresa leads him to win a game against Dinamo SassariComeback 'Made In Manresa' to defeat UCAM MurciaUnfair and cruel defeat of a BAXI Manresa who dominates the game in ZaragozaA BAXI Manresa coral clearly surpasses Filou Oostende 1 15 16 17 18 19 21